Richard J. Maybury who is also Uncle Eric
The Uncle Eric series of books is written by Richard Maybury for young and old alike. Mr. Maybury plays the part of an economist writing a series of letters to his niece or nephew.

Using stories and examples, he gives clear, simple explanations of topics that are generally thought to be too difficult for anyone but experts.

If you want to understand what others don't, read these books.


Book Cover Uncle Eric Talks About Personal, Career and Financial Security Personal, Career, and Financial Security

by Richard J. Maybury

New Expanded Edition from 43 pages to 192 pages! gives the reader many more insights and suggestions about using models to understand and profit from world events. It takes just two hours to read.

Models (or paradigms) are how humans think; they are how we understand our world. To achieve success in our investments and every other part of our lives we need sound models. These help us recognize and use the information that is important, and bypass that which isn't.

Mr. Maybury ("Uncle Eric") introduces the models he has found most useful. These are explained in Whatever Happened To Penny Candy?, Whatever Happened To Justice? and The Clipper Ship Strategy.

Ages 14 to 94. 192 pages, quality paperback. $14.95
ISBN 0-942617-38-X, Copyright 1994, 2004


The Business, Economics and Finance set

Personal, Career, and Financial Security

Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?

The Money Mystery

The Clipper Ship Strategy


The Law and Politics set

Whatever Happened to Justice?

Are You Liberal? Conservative? Or Confused?

Ancient Rome: How It Affects You Today

Evaluating Books: What Would Thomas Jefferson Think About This?


The War set

The Thousand Year War in the Mideast

World War I, the Rest of the Story

World War II, the Rest of the Story