Former Congressman Ron Paul

U.S. Congressman Ron Paul, MD
About EWR:
"I look forward to reading every issue of your Early Warning Report."

About Maybury's book:
"Whatever Happened To Justice? is critical reading for all Americans."

On Austrian Economics (Richard Maybury has used Austrian economics since 1972): "For many years, the Austrian free market economists had predicted all these problems would come, and they were certainly right."

From Harry Browne about EWRThe late Harry Browne
   “I was in the financial newsletter business for 24 years, and I still know a lot of people in the business, and I don't know anybody who is as universally respected by his fellow newsletter writers as Richard Maybury is.  There is so much competition, and even antagonisms in that business, but Maybury seems to stand apart from all of them.”

Also about EWR
   “I love history, and I spend a lot of time studying it, but I never fail to learn a great deal whenever I have the chance to have a conversation with Richard Maybury.  And whenever I just sit down and read his newsletter, and whenever I just sit down and read his books, whenever I think about Richard Maybury, I learn something.”
Best-selling investment author, Harry Browne

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“When I repeat to friends what I learned from you they think I am a genius.”
    - reader J.D.

"Congratulations on being incredibly right for an incredibly long time."
    - reader W.W.

"I wish to thank you for your World War publications - interesting, incisive, and disturbing, as truth often is, I have enjoyed all your books...To be frank, I'm only a middle-of-the-road investor, but I eagerly look forward to each new EWR for your unique historical and current events perspectives. You provide an important service."
    - reader W.H.

"Thank you very much for continuing to do what you do. If the concepts behind your books and EWR were to flourish, the world would be a MUCH better place."
    - reader A.H.

"Enjoy your thinking in EWR. Refreshing and thoughtful."
    - reader F.L.

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"I am a subscriber who looks forward to receiving each one of your newsletters. Keep up your great work!!!!!"
    - reader J.M.

"You are a Patriot of the purest form. You will never know how deeply I appreciate you for taking the time to educate your fellow Americans about our government."
    - reader R.J.S.

I recently heard about your "Uncle Eric" series of books and started reading them. I have really enjoyed each one. I have found that you say more in two pages than most books I have read on these topics say in 200 pages,"
    - reader C.D.

"You have taught me a great deal about economics, global policy, and general thought. Your methods of giving simple analogies makes it easy to grasp the 'macro' issues. I highly value your investment suggestions and have posted large gains from many of them. I eagerly read each new EWR immediately when it arrives.”
    - reader B.W.
