Read the Predictions That Made EWR Famous:

Oct. 1996, Watch This Man "The most important person in your financial life is a man the US press rarely says anything about. He is Osama bin Laden. … He could have more influence on your investment portfolio than any other individual in the world."

Feb. 1999, Profit from the Coming Surprise Attack
"Far more important is the question, when will we be hit by a surprise attack from a secret coalition of the enemies Clinton has created?"

Jun. 1999, Buy Defense Stocks Now "It is highly likely we are in or near the new era of war EWR has been predicting. … My long-term forecast remains unchanged: the top growth industry of the next decade will be war."

Oct. 2001, To Destroy America "…the purpose of the [9/11] attack was not to seriously damage America or to create fear in America, it was to create war fever so intense that America will plunge headlong into a guerrilla war in Central Asia."

May 2007, Boom-and-Bust Cycle, What's Next? "The real estate and mortgage markets are in the bust stage of the Fed's cycle. The big question now is, are Fed officials about to loosen, or will they clamp down further? In my opinion, 2007 is a turning point… if Fed officials stay tight much longer, they will trigger another big financial crash."

And now he is predicting:
"40 years ago I reached the conclusion that America was headed for a huge economic disaster, and this disaster would bring radical political change. I believed, and still do, that the change will go either in the direction of the American Revolution, or the French Revolution."

The Early Warning Report Library

Every EWR From 1991 Through 2024

Includes practically everything written by Richard Maybury about investments, military affairs, the economy, geopolitics, law, and Chaostan.

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EWR Library

Suppose you are thinking about investing in real estate or gold, or you are going to a party and want to be able to speak at length with friends about velocity, guerrilla warfare, boom-and-bust investment cycles, or the importance of the C-130 aircraft. The Library's search function enables you to find each EWR article ever written about any subject. And, it contains all the footnotes, so it is a great reference source.

EWroften remark that articles written by Richard Maybury 30 years ago are even more timely and revealing today than they were then. The EWR model has been under development that long. Mr. Maybury has been building the model a piece at a time, writing about it month after month as he has made discoveries about the events that now dominate the headlines.

Inflation will grow much worse and generate spectacular profits for those who understand its mysteries.

Now you can follow all of EWR's investigations, learning each important fact as it was uncovered.

The Library is like an Academy Award winning mystery, with one difference, it's not fiction; we are living the reality every day.

As you follow the mystery, you learn the model — a way to think that reveals the causes and effects before they happen!

Designed with accessibility in mind, The Early Warning Report Library makes it easy to access any year or issue you want. The power of search allows you to explore by keyword to find that obscure series of articles or topics you always wanted to revisit.

EWR's chief researcher, David Stewart, spent five months constructing the Library and maintains it annualy. You can easily find everything Mr. Maybury has ever written in EWR about any topic. Nothing has been deleted. Please maintain your current subscription to supplement the Library until the current year's issues are added. The updated edition is released each December.

The Library includes all the investment recommendations, charts, graphs and, most importantly, the maps for which EWR is famous — more than 2,762 pages worth of enlightenment in the current 2024 EWR Library that contains all issues of EWR from February 1991 through December 2024.

Read today's headlines, then look up the explanations Mr. Maybury wrote years before.

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The regular price for The Early Warning Report Library is $300, but you can receive it now for only $198.

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As a bonus, we have included the insightful model for which Mr. Maybury is famous. It is explained in his must-read special report, Chaostan—The Full Story, which reveals facts and trends that are almost completely unknown to the "experts" appearing in the mainstream press.

Understanding Choastan is essential for understanding the hidden geopolitical forces that move the investment markets.